I can’t tell how much of what you're telling me is shit and how much is bull-shit.
Are you shitting or bull-shitting me boy?
No shit?
it just hit me why none of you have a clue as to who i am or what to make of me.
you are all completely foreigners lol...wow that is like crazy as shit.
most of you have not even a clue as to east coast hardcore new york philly personality types, esp of xy generation.
I can’t tell how much of what you're telling me is shit and how much is bull-shit.
Are you shitting or bull-shitting me boy?
No shit?
how do we reconcile those bullshits being told at the meetings about how jehovah's eyes are upon us and how his figurative wings serves as protection to those who are destitute with the condition of these sickly sudanese refugees at this camp.. .
LouBelle "jah as pathetic as the greek gods."
Steady on there LouBelle, I have more than 300 hundred Greek gods that I keep in a jar. They are very small gods.
The petulant bullying Hebrew desert god Jah, despite sounding like a container for my gods, exists only in the ancient writings of the bible and the imagination of the Israelites. I spent 20 years talking to him before I realized I had, been had!
it just hit me why none of you have a clue as to who i am or what to make of me.
you are all completely foreigners lol...wow that is like crazy as shit.
most of you have not even a clue as to east coast hardcore new york philly personality types, esp of xy generation.
I don't understand why you are getting all this deep shit on west coast.
Perhaps they aren't treating the sewage properly?
it just hit me why none of you have a clue as to who i am or what to make of me.
you are all completely foreigners lol...wow that is like crazy as shit.
most of you have not even a clue as to east coast hardcore new york philly personality types, esp of xy generation.
As it happens I went back to spend a week in New York a few years ago. Against advice, me and the wife caught the subway to Harlem . The black people on the train made a great fuss of us and had lots of questions. The huge guard sat and talked to us too.
In Harlem we were treated very well. Went round the museum of black people history. Interesting but understandably rather anti-white. New York was great but not the place I would want to live. Carmel along from San Francisco was great. Clint Eastwood lives there, but then he can afford to.
it just hit me why none of you have a clue as to who i am or what to make of me.
you are all completely foreigners lol...wow that is like crazy as shit.
most of you have not even a clue as to east coast hardcore new york philly personality types, esp of xy generation.
Hi ya Captain - Surprisingly for a gladiator , I live on the south coast of England . I have beamed down into many of the cities in planet America . Visiting the USA is like a star ship enterprise trip, seeing so many whacko Americans. They were always friendly, polite and keen to talk. People in New York were more guarded, as in kept to themselves. That tends to happen in all big cities.
They kept asking me what I thought of their great country. I told them it still belonged to Britain - the United States of Anglia. Could be you were better off when Royal Britannia run your country and all the soldiers wore those smart red coats. Ah, the good old days!
for years, i was told this..... " anyone who leaves the org is bitter, sad, and worse off, why do you think they come back???
guess what guys i am the opposite, now i quit cold-turkey (looking back, i should have faded correctly) i am planning on going to the memorial this month just to hear all "the friends" tell me how much they missed me.
since i have left the meetings, (jan. was my last meeting, i think).
“No one who leaves "the truth" is ever happy?”
Truth is absolute. It's not possible to leave the truth. Truth will follow you and pervade every moment of your life.
Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the truth, just a pack of ever changing lies which are presented as the truth.
So, leaving the Watchtower Society's is not the same as trying to leave the truth.
continuing on our mini discussing at.
Obviously, Christians will want to defend Jesus and the god of the bible whom they believe in.
But it does seem rather pointless for atheists to spend time condemning a non-existent god for appearing to condone the behaviour of humans.
To me, the unchecked barbarity of humans over tens of thousands of years, is proof that such a god, as described in the bible, does not exist.
i have read some of you talking about baptism not being a legaly binding contract as, for most it was undertaken as a minor.
has anyone successfuly nulled their baptism and exited free of consequence?.
jgnat Just a quick note of correction. The rituals and traditions followed within the walls of a church are not legally binding .
Very true. I was onlt 13 when I was dunked; too young to make a legally binding decision.
dear friends:.
forty-five years ago i was out in service with an elder, and we came upon a house where the owners kindly received us.
this was not so unusual as the family was jehovah's witnesses.
in luke 11:13 jesus refers to his beloved deciples as wicked.
the wt (and most jws) see themselves as faithful and discreet.
they are teaching people to be self-righteous arent they?.
Good points moshe
People seldom see themselves as evil - no matter what they do. They act as they do because they believe they are right. Hypothetically, the devil does not see himself as evil but as standing up for the right of men and women, from Eden onward, to decide for themselves what is good and what is evil.
The devil is not alone in questioning the behaviour of the Hebrew desert god Jehovah. Despite the devil being called a liar in the Bible, I am unable to find a single incident of him lying. In contrast Jehovah told the first lie to Adam & Eve.
As Jehovah's Witnesses adore Jehovah they are going to act just like him and see themselves as righteous. Personally, I have more respect for the devil.